5 Smart Ways to Improve Workplace Cleanliness

5 Smart Ways to Improve Workplace Cleanliness

Employers need to clean the most heavily used objects and surfaces frequently, be ready for spills and leaks, have cleaning supplies on hand, and clea

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Employers need to clean the most heavily used objects and surfaces frequently, be ready for spills and leaks, have cleaning supplies on hand, and clean in the evening when workers are gone. Additionally, employers should encourage workers to help keep the workplace clean by demonstrating commitment through training sessions or reminders.

How do you maintain cleanliness in the workplace? If you want to improve workplace cleanliness, here are some ways:

1. Focus on the most frequently used objects and surfaces

The most heavily trafficked areas in an office should be wiped down daily while other surfaces can be cleaned less often depending on their usage. For example, a receptionist may need to wipe down the counters and furniture in his or her area five times a day while the break room only needs to be cleaned once a week.

2. Keep an eye out for spills and leaks

When there is a spill, clean it up immediately to prevent the spread of bacteria. If a water dispenser is spilling or leaking, employees may think that it’s okay to not refill the machine.

3. Have cleaning supplies on hand

Having cleaning supplies such as; wipes and disinfectant spray bottles readily available will allow employees to clean as soon as possible after dropping food on the floor, sneezing, or having body fluid spills.

4. Clean in the evening

Cleaning in the morning just before employees arrive will give them a fresh start to their day, but cleaning when workers are gone gives you more time to clean thoroughly and get rid of irritating and harmful chemical odors from industrial cleaning supplies.

5. Encourage workers to help keep the workplace clean

Cleanliness is everyone’s responsibility, so encourage employees to get on board with keeping their areas clean by demonstrating your commitment to cleanliness and reinforcing it through training sessions or daily reminders.

Knowing these smart ways to improve workplace cleanliness will help you keep your workplace safe and sanitary.