5 Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

5 Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

As the fall comes, there are lots of changes that everyone is going to experience in and around their homes. Due to these changes, you may have to uti

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As the fall comes, there are lots of changes that everyone is going to experience in and around their homes. Due to these changes, you may have to utilize heating settings of your HVAC system now more than the previous months. Nonetheless, you have to prepare your HVAC system to handle the changes that are going to happen over the next few months. And this is where HVAC maintenance comes into the picture.

Let’s check these 5 fall HVAC maintenance tips.

1. Ensure the wiring is intact

It goes without a saying that your HVAC system cannot function properly if its wiring is faulty. Therefore, your HVAC maintenance should start with checking for signs of any problems with the wiring. Blackened, melted, or burned wiring should be changed immediately.

Notably, before you start checking the wiring, you should ensure you have switched off the HVAC unit. Also, check out the HVAC components for any loose screws. However, if you notice any strange thing around the unit, get in touch with a professional.

2. Clean the vents

Vents are some of the favorite places for sand, dirt, dust, debris, and other contaminants to hide inside your HVAC unit. Sadly, the build-up of these elements can affect the proper functioning of your HVAC unit. Besides, the build-up can also increase your utility costs. To avoid a reduction in the efficiency of your HVAC unit, you should endeavor to clean the vents properly.

3. Clean the filter

Generally, the filter must be checked from time to time irrespective of the season. Whether you have checked it or not, fall is the right time to clean the filter. You are likely going to find dust, grime, dirt, etc. in the filter. Besides, the filters that are close to the kitchen may be filled with oils and other contaminants. Focus on getting rid of any elements that may want to deter the proper functioning of your filters.

4. Clean the outdoor unit of the HVAC

As autumn leaves fall and fly around your environment, some of them will find their way into the outdoor unit of the HVAC system. Expectedly, they will decompose or become dirt and debris in the unit. Over time, the debris will lower the efficiency of your HVAC unit and may make your home susceptible to a fire outbreak. Don’t allow such things to happen; clean the outdoor unit regularly throughout the fall.

5. Cover the HVAC unit with some shades

Last but not least fall HVAC maintenance tip is covering the unit with some shades. This is to ensure that natural light doesn’t make the HVAC system heat too much and damage its components. Notably, bleaching and discoloration are signs of existing problems caused by natural light. So, get some shades to cover the unit.

While doing all these, don’t forget to hire the services of an HVAC professional to maintain the system, especially when you notice that there is a problem with your HVAC unit.