How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Windows?

How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Windows?

From increasing the curb appeal of your home to improving the energy efficiency and increasing the amount of natural light you have in your home, wind

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From increasing the curb appeal of your home to improving the energy efficiency and increasing the amount of natural light you have in your home, windows play a pivotal role in contributing to your overall comfort and quality of life. As much as you want to make the most of the current window, it is expedient you know the right time to change them in order not to compromise your security and quality of life.

A lot of homeowners are often confused as to when should windows be replaced. We have taken our time to scour the internet for 5 telltale signs that indicate urgent window replacement in your home;


When your window has lost its soundproofing property, you can wave goodbye to the peace and quiet you once enjoyed in your home. If your window easily transfers sound vibrations from the environment into your home, this is a major sign your window isn’t soundproof and it’s time to have it replaced.


Surge in energy bills are most times due to energy inefficient windows. When heat is lost to the environment from your home, this decreases the efficiency of your HVAC system thereby causing it to use up more energy in heating or cooling your home. A major source of heat lost to the environment from your home is poor insulating window material and drafts. Once you notice air coming into your home even when your windows are closed or your window feels cold on a cold day, you know it’s time to get a window replacement.


Damaged frames and leaky windows are one of the most obvious signs you need window replacement. When moisture comes in contact with wooden frames, it causes them to decay which inevitably leads to their damage. This reduces the curb appeal of your home and also poses a health risk due to mold growth.

Leaky windows are majorly caused by damaged framed or poor window installation. Whichever the case maybe, once you observe your window is leaking, it is best you get a window replacement before it leads to other costly repairs.


Condensation buildup on windows is a normal occurrence and may not be a bad sign every time you see one. However, when you observe condensation between the two panes of your double-paned window, this may be the sign of failed seal or faulty installation. This is also a sign your window is energy inefficient and may begin to leak soon. It is advisable to get a window replacement before the damages escalate and more repair costs are incurred.


Opening, closing or locking your window shouldn’t be a chore or form of exercise. When your window starts requiring force or pressure to operate, you know it’s time to do away with it. Depending on your window material, frame expansion, rusted hinges and warping are the major causes of difficulty in window operation. So you know when the windows in your home stops opening, closing and locking with ease, it’s time to totally replace it and get a new one.