3 Best Budgeting & Personal Finance Apps

3 Best Budgeting & Personal Finance Apps

Budgeting & Personal Finance Apps How often do you check your phone? 25 times a day? 50 times a day? 100 times a day? You look at everything from

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Budgeting & Personal Finance Apps

How often do you check your phone? 25 times a day? 50 times a day? 100 times a day? You look at everything from social media, work emails, text messages and weather alerts. However, many of you have probably discovered that your phones can do a lot more such as helping you keep tabs on your finances.

There’s never a better time than now to start thinking about how you manage your money, especially if you’re a millennial. You’re at a perfect age to set aside money today for financial security in the future.

(You can read more about saving and investing your money as a millennial in a blog by AWealth called Millennials Saving for Retirement).

There are all sorts of ways to make smart investments and better plan for your financial life. Managing money, sticking to a budget and handling investment decisions are easier than before.

Here at the 3 best budgeting and personal finance apps: 

1. Mint: Best for managing your money 

Mint from Intuit Inc. is a free, web-based personal financial management service for the US and Canada. This is the best app for managing your money as it links up with all your different bank accounts, loan accounts, and credit cards. Mint is an effective all-in-one resource for creating a budget, tracking your spending and getting smart about your money. The app also lets you know what you owe, what you can pay and when bills are due by sending you payment reminders. In addition, Mint provides you specific advice based on your spending habits to gain more control over your budget.

2. You Need a Budget: Best for getting out of debt 

You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a multi-platform personal budgeting program. This is the best app for getting out of debt as it helps you stop living paycheck to paycheck. YNAB doesn’t allow you create budgets around money you don’t have, forcing you to live within your actual income. if you occasionally get off track, YNAB helps you see what you can do differently to balance your budget. However, unlike Mint, YNAB isn’t free. Users will have to pay a small monthly or annual fee, but the service and support it with online classes to help you learn budgeting basics.

3. Wally: Best for tracking your expenses 

Wally is a free, personal finance app available on the iPhone, which helps you compare your income to your expenses, understand where your money goes, and set and achieve goals. This is the best app for tracking expenses as Wally lets you take a photo of your receipts rather than manually logging your expenses at the day of the day, week or month. Wally is a great app that is convenient, easy to use and a great choice if you’d like more insights into where your money is going.

With all of that money you’re saving using these budgeting and personal finance apps, speaking to a financial advisor like AWealth about investing for your future is the next big step. AWealth is a financial advisor in Mississauga, ON, specializing in investments, mortgages and insurance to suit your investing goals, retirement goals, and financial needs.